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In search of peace and tranquillity in Goa. Source: Canva

Picture this: a serene village nestled amidst swaying palm trees, where time slows down, and the air is infused with a hint of sea breeze. This is the postcard-worthy scene that lured me away from the bustling streets of a big city to the quaint villages of Goa. As an outsider embarking on this journey, I’ve had the privilege of experiencing life through a different lens, and the transition has been nothing short of enchanting. In this article, I’ll share my perspective on what it’s like living in Goa, the challenges and triumphs of this transition, and the pros and cons that come with trading urban chaos for rustic charm.

A Leap into Tranquility

The moment I set foot in my new village home, I was greeted by a sense of peace that felt almost palpable. The melodious chirping of birds replaced the incessant honking of horns, and the gentle rustling of leaves replaced the blaring sounds of the city. The transition from a city that never sleeps to a village that wakes up with the sun was initially jarring but quickly became a welcome change.

Living in Goa means embracing a slower pace of life, and I’ve learned to savour every moment. The mornings begin with leisurely walks along narrow lanes, conversations with friendly neighbours, and the aroma of freshly brewed chai wafting through the air. The familiar faces of shopkeepers and the warm greetings from passersby have transformed strangers into a close-knit community.

The quiet village roads of Goa. Source: Canva

The Triumphs of Simplicity

In a world where material possessions often dictate status, village life in Goa has taught me the value of simplicity. The unassuming charm of mud-walled houses adorned with vibrant bougainvillaea, the aroma of traditional Goan cuisine wafting from open kitchens, and the unfettered joy of children playing in the open fields all speak to the beauty of life stripped down to its essentials.

The experience of growing my own vegetables and plucking fruits from trees in my backyard has reconnected me to the land and the cycle of nature. The sense of achievement that comes from harvesting my own produce has been immensely rewarding, making me realize that luxury isn’t always synonymous with excess.

The colourful Friday Market in Mapusa. Source: Canva

Pros and Cons of the Transition

Like any major life change, transitioning from a big city to living in Goa has its fair share of pros and cons.


1. Tranquility and Peace: The absence of urban clamour allows for a sense of serenity that’s hard to find amidst the hustle and bustle of a city.

2. Strong Community Bonds: Villages foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie that is often elusive in larger urban settings. Neighbours know each other by name, and there’s a genuine willingness to help one another.

3. Close-to-Nature Living: Living surrounded by nature fosters a healthier lifestyle. Fresh air, clean water, and proximity to the outdoors contribute to better overall well-being.

4. Cultural Immersion: Villages are repositories of culture and traditions. Engaging with local festivals, customs, and practices provides a deeper understanding of the region’s heritage.


1. Limited Amenities: While the basics are readily available, some modern conveniences might be lacking. Access to speciality stores, entertainment options, and healthcare facilities can sometimes require longer travel.

2. Technology Challenges: Internet connectivity (and sometimes electricity) and other technological amenities may not be as reliable as in urban areas, which can be frustrating for those accustomed to seamless connectivity.

3. Restricted Job Opportunities: Depending on your profession, finding suitable job opportunities can be challenging. Many people opt for remote work or entrepreneurship to sustain themselves.

4. Cultural Adjustment: Adapting to the local culture and way of life can take time. Language barriers and cultural differences might pose initial challenges. Though the great part about Goa is that you can get by with English pretty much anywhere you go – so that’s a win!

Finding Balance: A Personal Journey

My transition to Goan village life has been a journey of self-discovery and adaptation. Embracing the slow rhythm of life, nurturing friendships with locals, and learning to appreciate the simple joys have transformed me in ways I never imagined. The experiences I’ve gained have redefined my definition of success and fulfilment, focusing less on material achievements and more on a holistic sense of well-being.

Balancing the pull of modernity with the allure of tradition has been an ongoing process. While the absence of certain urban conveniences can be trying at times, the trade-off for living in Goa is a life filled with authentic connections and a deeper connection to nature.

Goa’s famous selection of seafood is a staple for lunch and dinner. Source: Canva

The Takeaway: A Village Reimagined

Transitioning from the frenzy of a big city to the tranquillity of a Goan village has given me a fresh perspective on life. It has taught me that simplicity can be a luxury and that community bonds are invaluable. As an outsider who has been welcomed into this close-knit community, I’ve come to appreciate the rhythm of life that unfolds at its own pace.

Living in Goa isn’t just about embracing a new physical environment; it’s about adopting a new way of being. It’s about recognizing that happiness doesn’t always reside in the grand and extravagant, but often in the quiet moments of connection, the bounties of nature, and the contentment that comes from living authentically.

So, if you’re considering a move from the urban jungle to the peaceful embrace of a Goan village, know that you’re embarking on a journey that promises to challenge, transform, and ultimately enrich your life in ways you never thought possible. It’s an adventure that invites you to step off the beaten path and reimagine what it truly means to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature and community.